わびさびストロー / Wabi sabi straws
わびさびストロー / Wabi sabi straws
のーぷら No Plastic Japanには、製造過程で多少の凸凹、キズ、色ムラなどが見えるストローたちがたまに届きます。
At No Plastic Japan, we sometimes receive straws from the factory where we can see little bumps, scratches, extra lines or uneven colours.
While stainless steel can be recycled over and over again, to separate their colours, add heat and make them into new objects we require energy – therefore, we also create some burden on the environment. Before recycling, we ideally reuse items as much as possible.
And that is why we are launching the "wabisabi straw" series. Straws that have arrived at our place in a not-perfect aesthetic but are perfectly fine to use.
You cannot choose what kinds of bumps or other imperfections your wabisabi straws will have. Please note that those with uneven colours, it only means that the chemical reaction was not applied evenly, and therefore there is no need to worry that the colour would flake off further etc. There are no negative effects to the user's health, and you can use all wabisabi straws as you could the "regular" ones.
The wabisabi straw sets include 2 THIN straws and 2 THICK straws.
If you require cleaning brushes, please add them to the cart separately as they do not come with this set.