のーぷら No Plastic Japan の巾着は本日から、破棄されるはずのアパレル業界の見本反を使い、国産に変わります
No Plastic Japan bags are now made in Japan from otherwise-thrown-away materials
【English follows Japanese】
のーぷら No Plastic Japanの一押しアイテムとも言える「ストローセット」。その巾着は今まで中国の工場にお願いして作成していただいておりました。リネンを使っているので、素材として環境にはわりと優しい方ですが、もう一歩踏み出せないかと思っていました。
個人的にお店としてすごく素敵と思っていた sape-sapo in clothを運営されている市丸様とインスタグラムでお話を始め、嬉しいことに短い間にsape-sapoが のーぷら No Plastic Japan のストローをオンラインストアで扱っていただけることになり、そのお電話でsape-sapoの生地は全てハギレなどであることを知りました。
ご質問等はメールで受け付けております: info@noplasticjapan.com
Today I’d like to report on something that I had been “working on” for about a year, but never materialized properly. It’s a little long, so if you don’t have time and just want the gist of the update, please read the blue text.
Our most popular product by far is the straw set. I haven’t quite seen the combination of thick and thin straw with two brushes in many other stores in Japan.
The drawstring bag used for the set had been made in a factory in China. As it uses linen, its impact on the environment has been somewhat considered of course, but I wanted to go a few steps further and improve the product for a while.
There have been various talks with Japanese makers, but nothing really clicked. And to be honest, it was easy to go soft on myself and neglect the search by asking myself “do I really need to spend time changing a product that customers are happy with?”
But now, the search is over! The perfect match has been found.
I’ve always loved sape-sapo in cloth personally, and something sparked conversation between myself and the owner Ichimaru-san. Earlier in the summer, we “collaborated” as sape-sapo now sells No Plastic Japan straws in their cloth pouches. And while talking business over the phone, I found out that all their products are made from cloth scraps that would’ve otherwise been left unused or thrown out.
(That conversation was also where I asked about reusable butt wipes for my then-to-be-born daughter – and Ichimaru-san then made me some out of cotton they had left!! It’s the only butt wipes we use and I’m so grateful for her kind gesture :-) )
So then, I enquired about the potential of making the straw bags out of their leftover fabrics that were made for apparel companies. The rest is history, and as of today, No Plastic Japan’s bags will be made in Japan with otherwise discarded cloths.
This update was necessary to write out, not only because the look of the bags will change, but also because of the change in price. Of course, made in Japan is more expansive than made in China. However, I’m confident that everyone will understand and support this move as we shift to buy only what is necessary, and then care for it and use it for as long as possible.
Finally, the first 300 bags are made of 100% cotton white denim. But since these are scraps, the next batch will be made of different material. Personally, I find this very exciting.
P.S.: there's lots of thought that went into the logo labels also. These are 100% cotton, too, and made in Japan.
Thanks so much for reading. Any questions, please send them to info@noplasticjapan.com
P.S.: ベビーストロー、これからぜひ一緒に考えていきましょう٩( ‘ω’ )و