What has No Plastic Japan been up to for the start of 2019? Lots of fun, lots of new experiences, and lots of "I can't believe it's <insert month> already"s. Some highlights (and things that I took photos of) below.
Plastic-Free Gift Box
The first collaborative project ever for No Plastic Japan was the Gift Box, launched in December. The process was really quite simple and very much a "let's try it" type of decision, as the whole of No Plastic Japan has been. I reached out to some awesome brands, including acowrap, Stasherbag, Raw Bahalu Chocolate, and Alishan Organics. There were only 10 boxes available to see the demand for it, but it was super popular, and there's been messages since then asking whether we will have the boxes back in stock... Watch this space!
のーぷら初のコラボプロジェクトの「プラスチックフリー・ギフトボックス」を12月に販売しました。アイディアが思いついたら早速様々なブランドに連絡を取り、ささーっと進めた、のーぷらならではの感じでした 笑 思いつきから最終的には素敵な仲間を集めた企画にできて、嬉しかったです。まずは試しに10個だけの販売でしたが、その後もボックスについての連絡がたまにあるので、皆さんのおかげで人気商品となりました。次のもお楽しみに!
Sustainable Living Tokyo
In short, via Instagram, I met a bunch of women that are working/living in Tokyo that are also interested in sustainability. We all have different interests within sustainability, ranging from mindfulness to food to fashion, and therefore have varying levels of knowledge in these fields. We had a lovely vegetarian potluck lunch where we shared challenges, solutions, questions, insight – I love how this group is so open and accepting, wherever you are on your sustainability journey. Looking forward to the monthly events and to work together on some projects!
簡単に説明すると、インスタグラム経由で、東京に住んでいてサステナビリティ(持続可能性)に興味がある様々な女性に出会い、それから何回か Sustainable Living Tokyo という名の中、集まりました。みんなが外国人女性であることはただの偶然で、イベントによりますが基本誰でも参加可能です!
No Plastic Japan took a very quick trip to Okinawa, booking flights and hostel with 3 days to go. We took part in Raw Bahalu Chocolate's first anniversary event at the super cool AIEN Coffee & Hostel. The Okinawa-native hand-made chocolate brand was part of last year's Plastic-Free Gift Box, but this was the first time to meet in person. What a lovely way to deepen the collaboration and mainly the love and support for one another by coming together!
The event was wonderful, with Raw Bahalu Chocolate also launching their new plastic-free packaging for all chocolates. AIEN Coffee & Hostel has also begun using our THIN straws as of the visit, and apparently the customers are loving them for their cold drinks. Win!
当日3日前に、沖縄に行くことを決断しました。昨年のプラスチックフリー・ギフトボックスでもすごくお世話になったRaw Bahalu Chocolate(ローバハルチョコレート)の1周年記念のイベントが開催されたので、最後の最後にやはり実際その場で一緒に参加することにしました。初対面にも関わらず共通点もいっぱいあり、これからのお互いのサポートとコラボなどが楽しみです。
このイベントではチョコレートの新たなプラスチックフリーの包装もローンチされたので、お会いするには本当に素晴らしい機会でした。また、イベント会場の AIEN Coffee & Hostels にTHINストローを導入いただきました!朝初めてのエスプレッソトニックを(早速ストローを使って)いただき、それから味が忘れられず、ハマっています!また行きたいな〜
Social Innovations Japan
Many will know the fantastic events that Social Innovations Japan always hold – the fact that they sell out each time says it all. This time it was a movie-showing and panel discussion event on circular economy. I took part by being the interpreter for the event. Being on stage like that gave me new motivations to become even better in talking about these topics in both English and Japanese smoothly. What a great experience.
Oh and panelists were a fantastic line-up: Eric from Terracycle, Ohkawa-san from Ohkawa Printing, and Akira from the Zero Waste Academy in Kamikatsu.
いつも素晴らしいイベントを開催している Social Innovations Japanの「サーキュラーエコノミー」をテーマとした映画の上映とパネルディスカッションのイベントに参加しました。今回は参加者としてではなく通訳者としてステージに!もっと日英どちらでも流暢にこのようなテーマについて話せるようになりたいと、もう一歩上の目標意識と刺激をもらいました。パネリストも最高で、TerracycleのEricさん、大川印刷の大川さん、そしてみなさんお馴染みの上勝町のゼロウェイストアカデミーの坂野さんという豪華メンバーでした。
I can't wait for all the excitement coming up in Q2. Although when I say "excitement", really it's whatever you create – there is so much greatness to be found within us. Q1 was plenty of not knowing how to do things, doing things for the first time, and making mistakes. Thanks to you -my lovely lovely customers- and friends of No Plastic Japan, it's been wonderful.