環境新聞に取材いただきました!Interview with Kankyo Shimbun


コミュニケーション領域のコンサルタント業務を行う傍ら、プラスチックを原因とする環境問題に取り組むノイハウス 萌菜さん。昨年独自ブランドとして「のーぷら No Plastic Japan」を立ち上げ、"使い捨て"という消費のあり方を考え直すきっかけづk理として、プラスチックストローの代わりに何度も使えるステンレスストローを広める活動を行っている。


「もともと環境問題には関心があって、日本で生活するようになり何かできればと考えていました。最初はエコなアイテムが集まったオンラインショップの開設なども検討しましたが、本業との両立など難しい面もあり、まずは何かに絞ろうと考えた時ストローに目がいきました。プラスチックのストローは使い捨てで、それが海洋汚染などを引き起こしているということで、何度も使えるストローを広めることを目的に昨年7月に No Plastic Japan、通称「のーぷら」を立ち上げました。

What is No Plastic Japan's objective?
"I've always had an interest in environmental issues, and started thinking about what I could do when I moved to Japan. Initially I was thinking about setting up an online shop with various eco-friendly items, but considering balancing it with my full-time job, I focused on straws when thinking about finding a smaller scope. Plastic straws are single-use, and can cause marine pollution and other things, so I set up No Plastic Japan in July last year to spread the use of reusable straws. 
Straws are just one plastic item amongst many, but I hoped that this can be a trigger to get people to think about waste issues and inspire them to use less disposable plastics."






What items are on offer?
"I provide stainless steel products to both individuals as their personal straws and to food and beverage establishments. I've seen the use of paper straws and bamboo straws in other countries, but for using it in-store, I felt that stainless steel is the best from a hygiene perspective. I communicate through mywebsite and Instagram, and also attend various environment-related events to raise awareness."


You have spent a long time outside of Japan.
"I lived in the UK for 18 years, since I was 6, and have been living in Japan for three years now. Spending my daily life here, I realised how many single-use items are used in Japan, making life too convenient. I felt odd how straws and plastic bags are used so liberally. In the UK, plastic bags are not free anymore, and I feel that it is quite normal to bring your own bag when shopping. The daily awareness on the environment is still lacking in Japan compared to other countries. It is now starting to move in the right direction, and I look forward to the changes." 



What are the future plans for No Plastic Japan?
"I have thought about expanding the product range, but it certainly isn't the goal to just sell lots of products. The most eco-friendly action is to not buy anything. There are many new products in the market, under the guise of being eco-friendly, but if we buy something and end up not using it, increasing more 'stuff' that we don't need, there is no point. 
In terms of making it work as a business, there are some difficulties, but I would like to communicate a more mindful way of consumption."


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