モノをもらうことについて // on gifts


#ゼロウェイスト とか、 #ミニマリズム とか、自生活で向かいたい方向があって、断捨離だとか、モノを買わないようにしたりしている。でもやはり社会の一員として(←大げさ)、プレゼントや贈り物やお裾分けをもらうこともある。友達からとか家族からとか、最近は幸いなことにブランドのPRの方々からもいただく機会が増えています。

モノをどう断るのか… どうやって説明するのか…









Lately I’ve really been thinking about “receiving things”. It’s kind of been a bit of a worry for me.

There’s this clear direction of zerowaste and minimalism for my own lifestyle, and I try to declutter and not buy much new. But as a human that is part of this society, it’s inevitable that we are gifted things from time to time. It may be a friend, family, and as of recent I’ve been fortunate enough to have brands offer me their products. 

So, how do I “deal” with someone giving me something I don’t need/want? How to say no… how to explain why… 
That kind of thinking was lifted off a little when I was given something recently. 

I’ve been practicing at the same yoga studio for a few years now (It’s where I was certified, too!), and I was given the latest anniversary tote bag by our teacher. At first I said that I’m ok without it as we’ve got so many “eco” bags at home. But she insisted I take it as it marks a special occasion.

So there I go, kind of annoyed at myself for not being able to say no properly. But as soon as I used it for the first time, I really felt the warmth and connection I have to this yoga studio through the bag. It kind of felt a little embarrassing now that I even said no to a gift and brushed off its value to them. 

This photo is of some filter coffees I was given on a recent walk, as we found a coffee roastery. I actually just bought something really small, but the staff insisted I take these – adding a couple of decafs on top because they saw my daughter in the pram!

Of course, this kind of coffee is so far from zerowaste. If anything it’s probably one of the most wasteful ways to drink coffee, and that’s why I’ve recently got myself into grinding my own beans and pouring coffee.

But still: the idea of having to “deal” with this, slowly became how to “work with” it. It’s got to be different for every situation, and not a hard no each time someone wants to give me something. 

You can live by your own rules at all times, but you may also lose something a lot more by doing that. Balancing the atmosphere, the energy exchange, and all other things can really impact the giver and taker positively. 

Sure, in the long-term and especially with people you are close to, you should make sure to explain your preferences and what you are aiming for in your zerowaste lifestyle :-) Just wanted to share how I found myself being more flexible regarding receiving.  





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