Just some thoughts: Brands x Sustainability モヤモヤ

【English follows Japanese】

○モヤモヤ共有 ○(インスタグラムの投稿と同じ内容です)











On my personal Instagram account I get so many targeted ads from fashion and accessory brands that have words like SUSTAINABLE and ETHICAL all over them.

I find that these days, even if a brand isn’t necessarily focusing on sustainability etc., most brands have something on CSR-type environmental or societal initiatives — because they know that consumers care about these things and base their purchasing decisions on them.

In contrast, in Japan... the fashion brands that I get ads for have nothing about these sorts of things. I see their FAQ pages, and it’s just about shipping or payments.
Aren’t they doing anything as a company? And people still buy from brands like that? Ummm.

The Japanese accessory brand I saw the other day had nothing on how the metals etc. were procured. Where do they come from? Where are the pieces made?
The few accessory brands I’ve got my eyes on use recycled metals such as gold, which I think is brilliant. My engagement ring has a lab-made diamond, and the company is carbon neutral. Natural diamonds have so many human rights issues...

Oh and the ad for this Japanese fashion brand. Their IG profile mentioned that they’re all about female empowerment, but there are no details on it on their website, apart from some marketing jargon. Is this feminism-washing?!


More and more consumers will choose better products from the mass of choices that we are given. Better products = not the price or design alone, but the brand story and values as well as things that the purchase signal and support.

By just reducing the amount of things we buy simply because their kind of cool or cute can make a big difference. Let’s use our vote right when we purchase something 🙋🏻‍♀️


2件のコメント // 2 comments

  • のーぷら No Plastic Japan

    Hi Whitney! Thank you so much for your comment. I feel you – in both good and bad ways, Western brands know that sustainability is an important aspect that consumers will base their purchasing decisions on.

    While I tend to buy secondhand clothes most of the time, some new clothes I recently purchased were smaller brands:
    “lefts” is a brand by Sunshine Juice, a cold press juice store in Tokyo, and they dye their products with leftover juice pulp – I bought their shorts this week because I fell in love with the concept and their colours. I also bought a new dress few months ago from “Ayano Hakura” – her design repels moisture and therefore requires less washes.
    I hear a lot of people talk about the curation brand “enter the e” – they have strict measures on what products they feature, based on various sustainability criteria.

    I think that there are different criteria that make a brand ethical or sustainable. So the above are just a couple of examples of the things that I decided to buy, but I am always on the lookout for new exciting products myself :-)

  • Whitney

    I really love this observation because this year, I’ve been trying to make a more conscious effort to be more sustainable, but I find it harder in Japan when it comes to fashion. Many of the sustainable or ethical clothing shops ads that I am drawn to are in the US or abroad – but buying and shipping those items all the way to Japan kind of defeats the purpose. The few sustainable and eco-friendly brands I’ve found in Japan are very expensive and not for the everyday consumers, which I understand, but also it makes it hard to make an effort to change into a more wholistic shopping experience.

    Have you found any brands or clothing shops in Japan that sell sustainable clothing?

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